
What I have learned from working with groups is that most people are searching to feel more connected, find meaning in their stories, and feel inspired. When this happens, we experience a profound clarity. From this place, our inner landscape expands and we can envision a new trajectory in our lives.
What I have learned about myself is that besides relating to this human and mysterious search, I also find a deep sense of purpose to be at service. I do this by promoting connection and by sharing teachings that can bring clarity to fruition for people on this path.
What People Are Saying
This class appealed enormously to me as it encompassed sharing valuable, well researched core information backed up with very good pieces of poetry and quotations from experts. Ana actively engages our listening with our participation. I felt eager to follow along and, if anything, wanted more of everything. I am astounded at how rich the information Ana shared is in content.
Laura O.
Artist and Art Teacher
Ana’s knowledgeable, calm, patient, peaceful presentations/explanations were prepared with just enough details and examples to allow for my soaking in of the concepts. Ana’s engagement with, belief in and passion for the subject matter shined through her words and delivery.
Alison F.
Office Manager
My background is education, with extensive professional development opportunities and mentoring of student teachers. Ana excels. Her soothing voice and pacing, plus extensive supporting details to guide our understanding encouraged participants to express thoughts and questions, keeping it interactive and inclusive. I can’t thank her enough and would be delighted to remain connected going forward.
Barbara C.
Teacher and Mentor
Ana’s gentle, welcoming, open minded approach without performance pressure worked well for me. Her natural ability and calming voice put me at ease. I felt welcome and included. Ana’s guidance directing us to additional meditations to listen to at home helped reinforce what I learned during class.